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Dominance of Shape





The Baroque church, Santa Maria della Salute, designed by Baldassarre Longhena and completed in 1867, sits at the mouth of the Grand Canal in Venice. The church was built as an offering to St. Mary of Health after the city survived a devastating plague in 1630.


Santa Maria della Salute © John Lovett

Santa Maria della Salute



The church is crowned by two imposing domes and flanked, at the rear, by a pair of domed bell towers.

The dominating round shapes provide the church with a more feminine appearance, reflecting its dedication St. Mary of Health.


An octagonal plan gives the church a more rounded, Byzantine  appearance where repeating arches dominate the cavernous interior. Circular motifs of inlaid marble carry the dominating curves all the way down to a magnificent floor.


The dominating curves of the building have made it an icon of Venice, inspiring artists ever since it was built.


Dominance of Shape © John Lovett

Santa Maria della Salute

eBOOK  -  Available Now

John Lovett's  Textures, Techniques and Special Effects for Watercolor 

John Lovett


John Lovett is an Australian artist working in oils, watercolor and mixed media. Since commencing his career John has held over thirty five solo exhibitions and taken part in many joint ones. John’s work is represented in private and corporate collections in Australia, United Kingdom, Europe, Asia and USA. John’s passion for his work and his open easy approach to teaching make his books, DVD’s and workshops thoroughly enjoyable, extremely informative and always very popular. His articles are regularly featured in “International Artist” magazine.      




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Queensland   4223



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© 2017 John Lovett (all text and images unless otherwise stated)

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