Contrast of Line
The contrast in line from solid, heavy marks to hair thin flicks characterise the brush control seen in Chinese calligraphy. The lively gestures and confident, immediate lines tell a story even without the ability to read the characters.
In some areas the fine lines are implied by the tapering ends of a quick gesture.
These marks were made by a brush and ink in the 1700’s, but the lively human character of the strokes gives the feeling they have only just been finished.
![Qian Chenqun [Public domain or Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/4897a5_35f7b4b5ab9f4e0885e14373cfc8bba3~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_700,h_623,al_c,q_85,enc_avif,quality_auto/4897a5_35f7b4b5ab9f4e0885e14373cfc8bba3~mv2.jpg)
Qian Chenqun (1686-1774) Caligraphy (detail)
These fishing trawlers require a complex arrangement of booms, spas, rigging and antennas to do their job. The variation in thickness, direction, length and tone builds up a chaotic confusion of contrasting lines that echo the frantic activity of the harbour.

“Vancouver Trawlers” – John Lovett 2014